another birthday has come and gone and i'm not sure how i feel about it.
i feel that i have not done much with the time that i have already had.
and who knows how much time we have left.
yes i have a home a kids, but what have i REALLY done?
i'm feeling some changes are coming and i'm thinking
that i may be ready this time.
am planning on starting the artists way, kinda did two weeks ago but didn't really give it my all.
am hoping now that volunteer work has calmed down somewhat
i may start to feel a little less overwhelmed all the time.
i'm beginning to feel that maybe my lack of success in finding a job
is due to the universe telling me that i need to get off my butt and do what i love
for a change.
i'm thinking i may be going back to school and following my dreams a little more.
and a little less of the martyr syndrome and trying to be all things to everyone.
there comes a time when you have to stand back and say enough, i can do no more
right now.